Our choices have consequences. What we do brings results. If we swing a hammer onto our finger, we will understand this principle immediately. The consequence is pain and damage to our finger.
This principle holds true in our life. To some degree, we get out of life what we put into it. If we treat others badly, we should not be surprised if they treat us the same. So, we have a certain amount of control over what life gives us.
There are two separate lists found in the Biblical book of Galatians. They are found in chapter 5 starting in verse 19 and going through verse 23.
The first list is called "the deeds of the flesh." It includes strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, envying, and those sorts of things. If you have experienced any of these things, you know they are not fun orenjoyable. They are more in the realm of pain and anguish. Are these the sorts of things you want in your life?
The second list is called "the fruit of the Spirit." It includes things like love, joy, peace, kindness… If you have experienced any of these, even for a short period of time, you know that they are more in the realm of fulfillment and satisfaction. Are these the sorts of things you want in your life?
Either of these can be a part of your life. It is your choice. If you follow your own desires, doing whatever you want to, you will experience the deeds of the flesh. Your life will not get better. It willcontinue on a path of addiction and destruction until these things kill you or until you decide to kill yourself because of the hopelessness.
Or you can choose to follow God’s way and allow Him to produce the fruit of the Spirit in your life. You can grow to love. You can become patient and caring. You can be gentle and self-controlled. Your heart can be filled with peace and joy. The choice is yours. God has given you free will to make that choice. He offers all that is needed to follow Him. If you have noticed, it is fruit that He brings into our life. It is a blessing from Him.
One more thing: There is more than this life. After this life, these two choices come into play. If we decide to follow ourselves in this life and reject God, He allows us to do that. He lets that stand for all eternity. We will exist in a hopeless, painful existence. Or, if we decide to follow Jesus in this life and reject our own way, God allows and helps us in that. And He lets that stand for all eternity. We will exist in a loving, fulfilling, and wonderful life. The choice is yours.
Our choices have consequences. Make your choices carefully.
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