good for you buddy good luck. and here's my best joe buck impersonation.
Chung: Wow, this guys Rivva has made an unprecendented move to the majors. Joe how often do you see a guy go from triple AAA ball to the double AA , quit the game entirely for a couple years, go back to double AA ball, and then get sent up to the big leagues a couple game before the penant?
Joe: Actually, never.
Chung: Never? Wow. what a tremendous move, just think he was the back up right fielder for the Lansing Lugnuts and now he's playin on the legendary Yankee field.
Joe: Interesting fact, he's actually a fan of the mets, but Ludwig (Steinbrenner) is a huge fan of him, they grew up together and he's confident of Rivva's ability in the clutch.
Chung: Yea, he's a closer if not anything else. Bases loaded he's batting a smoking .500 and in the playoffs at triple AAA he's got 125 RBI's, what's more unbelievable is he's 7th in the line up and has very few home runs.
Joe: That's right, they didn't bring him here to hit them out of the park. what they needed from their bottom 3 hitters is consistency, he hits the fast ball well, hits well off left handed pitchers, and again he doesn't knock up out of the park but he can consistently bring him in.
Chung: His game is very deceiving, he stands 5'9, 185. I think many pitchers get overly confident with him because when they first see him they usually strike him out a good three or four times before he gets comfortable at the plate.
Joe: That's right, he seems to really get to know his pitchers before his on base percentage really starts to be impressive. The coaches say he's not the most naturally gifted athlete, but he studies the film real hard, he takes notes from the catchers, and just has a good feel for the game.
Chung: I remember at Anna-Lise Park he hit four home runs a couple years ago.
Joe: 4 homeruns in one series? that's unbelievable.
Chung: no, joe, this was four home runs in one game. He single handedly won the game for his team and brought them to the play offs, he hit 7 home runs all year, and 4 in this game. he really liked the park, the pitcher, you could see he was in the zone Joe.
Joe: Well, I'll say, do we have any footage of that game?
Chung: He actually burned his own game tape of that, because he doesn't want to focus on the past anymore, i hear he doesn't even have rear view mirrors in his car. He's kind of crazy.
Joe: Well, here he comes to the plate, first time at Yankee Stadium.
Chung: He looks real comfortable, I would've picked a different song than, "we didn't start the fire, but here he goes."
Strike one, fast ball up the middle.
Pitcher eyes the guy on first, he's pretty speedy, keeps him at check with a throw to first.
Second pitch, just outside, 1-1.
Throws it inside, he swings, just gets a piece of it, 2-1.
Chung: What should Rivva expect here?
Joe: I'm going to guess it would be a change up, he doesn't do well with this pitch, he usually swings pretty late.
Chung: Here it goes, oh and he lays a bunt... no one could've expected that.
Joe: Who knew he bunted? I don't think that we'll help his stats much, but he did advance the man to second.
Chung: Slow and steady that's his game. I think he'll do well here, he just needs to stay confident in his abilities.
Here’s How I’m Preparing For The Next Four Years
I can’t predict the future, but I feel pretty confident in predicting that
the next four years are going to be crazy. For political reasons, sure, but
we d...
4 weeks ago
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