As I walk up the stairs of the parking garage up to ground level the sun is just beginning to descend below it's highest point. It's around 50 degrees, slightly cool, just a beautiful fall day in the state of Michigan. I'm on my way to the 6th floor of the Miller Johnson building. I'm attending my last Income Tax Planning Class. It's the first of four classes I have to enroll in to sit for my CFP. I feel pretty good about this class because as bad as it is (every Monday 4-8pm), I didn't skip one session. Back at State, I hated accounting so much I almost didn't major in finance because I had to take a 400 level accounting class. I'm suprised I feel so good after such a crazy weekend. Let's back it up to last Sunday. On Sunday, I woke up at 9am and did 9 holes of golf with Eastman and his buddy. I than met up with Jt at Golf Galaxy where he bought $500 worth of irons, I let the boys know about this. After 18 with JT, we visited a couple Halloween stores in search of costume ideas. On Monday before class, i went to a couple more halloween stores, some good ideas bumble bee's, bananas in pajamas, polar bears, pirates, batman & robin. Tuesday after work Jt, Jack, and I went back to a couple stores and narrowed it down to teletubbies & sesame street. We decided on Oscar the Grouch, Elmo, & Cookie monster. After that we hit up meijer for my first of several shopping spree's for the party decorations. We then met up with Jamieson, Ally, and a couple of her friends at the Main Street Pub on GVSU's campus. Apparently tuesday nig
ht is karaoke night. Ally along with several other 21 year olds proceeded to get wasted, and we suffered through some awful awful singing. It was an eventful Tuesday to say the least. On Wednesday the "crazies" (Brooke, Mel, Jenny, Ashley) came over. For whatever reason they love to party on Wednesdays, I once asked Mel why they prefer to come over and rock out on Wednesdays, and she just yelled back "We're partying Wednesday!" I left it at that. I like Friday & Saturday drinking as much as anybody, just ask my friends. Even Thursday is ok, Wednesday is a stretch like me trying to fit in my high school marching band suit. Well cue the music, cuz sure enough the doorbell has been rang and its the "crazies." Jamieson was having no part of it, so he went downstairs, sure enough our sub pump wasn't pumping and our basement was becoming flooded. Of course, Jamieson had a shop vac and went to work. Meanwhile, I had a chill night in mind, a couple of drinks, some conversation, and maybe a night cap dip in the hot tub. The "crazies" led by Captain Mel went on a "fifth" campaign (drink til the fifth is gone). They wanted to black out and go to the bar. In that order exactly. I volunteered to drop them off, but said I would accompany them to the bar if they wanted to go to Ottawa Tavern. The "OT' is basically my backyard. All the CC (Catholic Central) kids I hoop with frequent it. I know all the bartenders, bouncers, and servers. It's a sports bar/pub and the World Series was on, plus I knew we'd stay an hour max before someone passed out or threw up. Turns out, neither one of those things happened. Captain Mel proceeded to get into a fight with the bartender, who was my boy. The fact that only about three other people in the entire bar, she was on her first beer, and the bartender is my boy, made it all the more ridiculous. Thursday I spent another four hours halloween party shopping and another $150 as well. The party tab was getting steep, hopefully the gathering would live up to it's billing (it did!). On Friday, innocent old me, wanted another chill night. J-Lye, J-Dub, Jayce, Jt, and I went to Lincoln Lanes for the Friday night poker tourney. Jayce and I were the first ones out so we went bowling. Jack joined us in the third game and J-Lye join in the fourth. I bowled a 127, 108, 147, and after a couple pichers I couldn't recall the last score. J-Lye was on a mission to go out and drag me with him and my boy Dave K us to join the boys at the OT. Rumplemints and Jack & Diets were the drinks of choice. We then hit up Montie's, I'm over that scene. I started my Saturday at 9am. After re-energizing my bastteries with a BK breakfast, a large cup of joe (coffee), and an hour of college gameday, I proceeded to decorate the house. From 11am-2:30pm I hung about $200 worth of decor around the house. I then ran out for a hair cut and some Dunkin Doughnuts coffee. Reese, Emily, Brandon, Jen, Chris, Dena, Amanda, Caleb, and Jenn D. were the first guests to arrive for the State game. The coffee was a huge success, I'm pretty sure Chris and I had 3 pots just between us. The annual UofM/State game was absolute
ly nerve racking. Funny things always happen during rivalries and this game was no exception. UofM scored on a very controversial pylon call, they blocked one of our chip shot field goals, we missed another chip shot field goal, and on top of that we missed yet another field goal. Even our last INT was funky somehow our safety ran into a linemen and we fumbled it back to UofM. 4 quarters and 5 pots of coffee later us Spartans for the first time since my freshmen year in college (7 years ago) reign victorious! Is 6pm too early to start planning? Perhaps, but we were all feeling way too good to wait. Pretty soon Joe, Heidi, Geck, Whitney, Kyle, Megan, Ashley, Mel, Jenny, Jack, Jt, Will, Kelly, and the rest of the mob started stacking it in. By 8:30pm I had about 15 "victory green" shots. Before I know it, it's 4am... It went by way too fast but it was one of the best parties I've ever been at. The first party co-hosted by Jamieson and me was a hugely wild success. Next bash will be my birthday, it will be the 2nd annual Ugly Sweater Sexy Socks party. I still can't believe so many people would drive 2-3 hours just for one of my parties, but Caleb, Geck, Whitney, Joe, Heidi, Mario, Betty, Brandon, Jen and couple others do it consistently. I'm a pretty lucky guy and Halloween continues to be my favorite holiday. For more Pictures: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2580686&id=2312645

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