So many of us go through life with our heads in the sand, accepting current circumstances as inevitable, whilst setting implausible, unrealistic and unreasonable agendas for our futures. Through our actions (and often inactions) we demonstrate our lack of faith in our own dreams, visions and abilities and therefore fail to grasp our own destinies and shape our futures.
Success is both immeasurable and intangible. This is great news because in that state, we can shape it as we wish and develop the mindset to invite as much of it as possible into our lives.
There is a glass ceiling on abundance, just waiting to be smashed. It represents the limited thinking of the 95% of the world’s population who believes in the power of limitation in their lives. In fact, the only limits on success and happiness in our lives are those we place there ourselves, through our own inadequate vision of who we are and where we’re going.
Success is a state of being – it’s a place we reside when we have moved from a position of wanting (desire) to a more agreeable state of being (having).
‘The difference between success and failure is not just one’s abilities or dreams, but the courage to follow them and take the steps necessary to embrace success’ (KR)
Achievement can be many things, depending upon your lifestyle, passion and vision of the ideal world in which you would like to reside. These include optimum health and longevity; an abundance of joy, love and happiness; a better job; new car; larger sums of money; a more stable relationship; deeper and longer lasting friendships; inner peace and harmony; a clearer vision of ourselves and our lives and the accumulation of more compassion and gratitude in our lives. The list and scope are literally endless.
‘I autograph each and every day of my life with my personal signature of success. Achievement comes because I commit to ownership of my positive, results-driven actions’ (KR)
In fact, success can be all of these things and still, none at all. If we look at Mother Teresa for instance, who could ever suggest she was not successful. She had only to visit a head of state or a business mogul and she was able to raise enormous funds for a new school or hospital. I never remember her living in a New York penthouse or driving around in a Ferrari. I have no doubt she had no money in the bank, nor did she have a holiday house on the Riviera where she could spend her summer holiday. However, she was one of the most successful luminaries who ever lived.
‘Once you allow yourself to go within, believe in yourself as a wonderful and unique being and listen to your inner voice, your subconscious self will surely lead you to personal greatness in your life’ (KR)
The true essence of success and happiness is the inner calm we have, at the life we lead. It cannot be measured in material wealth, though for most of us, it is a big part of the equation. It is not a ‘sin’ to have financial wealth and material goods in your life: Indeed, these are two things to which many of us aspire and they are core to our existence. It is certainly not a crime to surround yourself with trappings such as the houses, cars, artwork, holiday homes and large sums of money.
However, they are called trappings because if these are the aspects of abundance on which you focus, you will fall into the trap and whilst outwardly you may appear to have an incredible and abundant life, inwardly you run the risk of becoming barren and desolate.
Success is the result of your keen vision of the future you want – for yourself, your family and friends – and therefore any pursuit must encompass the elements which make up the whole person. You cannot hope to be fulfilled if you do not have gratitude for what you possess, who you are and where you are going. Opportunity comes out of vision. You fuel it with determination and wrap it in a parcel which is driven by love, compassion and gratitude.
‘There is a wonderful and unique garden within each of us. Many sow wonderful blossoms – dreams, visions, ideas and notions - and nurture the growth with inspiration, faith, courage, gratitude and determination. Others however, allow the garden to become like a desert, because of their failure to care for and respect the inner spirit’
You can never hope to find true happiness if you are unable to link with the ‘inner self’. The essential elements of focus, determination, drive, commitment, compassion, generosity, gratitude and love, give you the power to form the key which will enable you to open the door to stability and opportunity in your world.
Once you have a plan of action – and this is paramount to your blueprint for a wonderful future – and you adopt the key components as part of your everyday routine, you will begin to see success and abundance. You have to be truly grateful for what occurs in life. You must believe above all else that you are worthy of great things.
‘Once you learn to like, love, respect and believe in yourself, the fear you hold inside (of failure, resentment, greed, desolation and poverty) will begin to disappear and the acid remarks of others will have no impact on your thinking’ (KR)
Never be afraid of what you may achieve: Instead, feel apprehension for what you may not. Each of us has the capacity for greatness. We need only respect ourselves and our abilities - no matter how limiting we believe them to be – and hitch them to the wagon of planning and opportunity.
‘Most people fail not because they simply don’t embrace success, but rather, because they most fear it and the responsibilities it brings’ (KR)
I always encourage my clients to begin each day with a quiet prayer of gratitude for the wonders and opportunities in the day ahead and for the obstacles which might be encountered. They are simply guide posts towards a more colourful, clear and all embracing future. This need have no religious basis at all. It is simply a prayer to the power which exists within each of us and in the universe, to which we are inextricably linked.
‘Once you learn to listen to the voice of reason within, the whispers will soon become shouts and your life will lead you on a wonderful and fulfilling journey’ (KR)
Similarly, finish each evening with the same prayer for what you have achieved – and still, for what you have not. Tomorrow is another day; begin to fill it with sunshine, abundance, opportunities and encouragement. If there were no clouds, we could never be grateful for the sunshine which touches our lives. Likewise, without obstacles, we would not feel the warmth of success through achievement. Gratitude is the expression of our thankfulness for ALL those things which make us whole beings.
‘Destiny – fortune or failure - is primarily determined by the balance of success and disappointment in our lives and the way we subsequently respond to challenges’ (KR)
Never underestimate the power of the self to respond to adversity. Whilst ever you hold inside the power of intention, fuelled with the wonderfully empowering tools we all have for setting the course for our incredible destinies, we have the capacity to rise to incredible heights in our lives.
Allow the transformation to begin today. Understand what it is that holds you back and begin the program which will see success and abundance as keep components of a great life. There are no barriers to achievement: Sex, colour, creed, orientation and physical ability can never hold you back if you believe in the path you’re traveling and have total and unswerving belief in yourself. In fact, when you learn to have faith in and respect for yourself – with pride and passion for all things positive which are core components of your very being – you will truly have the power to fuel your journey and bring you incredible success. There is no room for doubt.
Begin to build meaningful relationships across your life and never be afraid to step out of the shadow of mediocrity. The sunshine of opportunity will be a far greater and more profound beacon, which will add further dimensions to your life.
The pursuit of success and happiness should come from inside. You cannot ever hope to embrace success if you do not hold yourself in high self-esteem. You are a wonderful being, with unfathomable abilities, drive, knowledge and wisdom. Tap into that great source today and take the journey of a lifetime.
‘Never rely on the enlightenment of others, to show you the way. Use your personal light within to shine on the path ahead and forge your own strong and successful future, according to your individual hierarchy of values’ (KR)
The future will continue to unfold no matter what you decide. So make the conscious decision - RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW - to shape your destiny according to your own values, dreams, and visions.
‘Keep hold of your dreams and follow them; they surely won’t follow you’ (KR)
With gratitude,
Here’s How I’m Preparing For The Next Four Years
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4 weeks ago
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