It cracks me up how "voting" is the rage this year. How's it's the "it" thing to do. Hate to tell anybody who voted, your vote doesn't mean sh*t. It doesn't constitute for anything. Oh you're really into this election, you really want Obama? You care so much, you are going to vote this year! Good for you! hate to tell you that your vote doesn't mean sh*t. Did we all forget the Al Gore won the popular vote and lost the election? If you disagree with that, you're just plain silly. He won the popular vote no matter what the polls say. Moving on, we follow a system known as the electoral college, many societies in history have had these. Although outdated, we still follow this system... I could see having these "people of wisdoms" vote people for offices as representation to a larger group back in the day. Like when many didn't have cars to drive to the polls, or when farmers didn't have the time to go to town to vote, things like that. But in this day in age, how can we still have this system. 1 man 1 vote, not here, that simply means we are not a true democracy. The United State electoral college just shows the lack of confidence our society has in itself. Do we not believe we can represent ourselves to vote for the president? Well, too many people are idiots, or too many people don't follow politics, or too many people dont' care, those are weak arguments. You know what if you didn't educate yourselves on the parties, the politicians, or the bills, don't vote. If you don't care either way don't vote. If you are idiot don't vote, or vote I don't care. If you're passionate about either party, let's get up and banish this stupid electoral college. If you really care about a democracy, about your voice meaning something, let's make a bill saying that the popular vote should elect the president, not some person or system we know nothing of. Don't tell me you believe the electoral college. Don't tell me your vote means something. This system is flawed, and this bothers me greatly. And still as "cool" as it is to vote, I doubt we'll have a 50% participation rate.
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